International Society for Behavioral Ecology Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Policy Statement

The International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) is committed to equal opportunity, promotion of diversity and an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, where individuals are treated with respect, equity, dignity and fairness. ISBE recognizes the contribution of all our members and collaborative partners, and aims to be fair, just and free from discrimination within our membership, Executive Council, Editorial Board and across our publications and events.


The aims of this statement on equity policy are to:

  • Establish a range of guidelines and practices that counteract bias and prejudice.

  • Promote inclusive practices that ensure all individuals are treated equitably and with mutual respect.

  • Encourage all persons communicating under the auspices of ISBE to do so respectfully and fairly. 


ISBE is committed to establishing processes that will achieve change and effectively monitor progress towards our objectives of equity, diversity and inclusion. In addition to achieving positive change within ISBE, we will endeavour to provide a positive and proactive influence through our interactions with our members and external partners. Our specific objectives are to:

  • Recognize and value the similarities and differences that exist within our membership, colleagues and external partners.

  • Challenge discrimination based on age, disability, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and parenthood, national origin, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation or identity.

  • Actively promote equity and diversity, designing and establishing processes to ensure that equity and diversity are a central aspect of ISBE’s principles.

  • Not tolerate behaviours, languages or practices that label, stereotype or demean others.

  •  Recognise that members have a right to a supportive, inclusive, safe and harassment-free environment, and that they also have individual and collective responsibility to value and respect the contributions of others.

  • Integrate the objectives of this equity, diversity and inclusion policy across all society events and publications.

  • Provide communication pathways for members and partners to provide feedback and suggestions, identify equity and diversity issues, report complaints and participate in the ongoing development of this strategy.

  • Monitor and report on communications relating to this policy in a regular and transparent manner.

Policy Stakeholders

  • All ISBE members

  • ISBE Executive Council

  • ISBE Editorial Board

  • External partners of ISBE 

Policy Supervision

ISBE Executive Council will take overall responsibility for the implementation of the ISBE equity policy. Any grievances in relation to the policy should, in the first instance, be communicated to the ISBE Secretary. The grievance will then be passed on to the relevant member of the ISBE Executive Committee to manage, who will take action to address any breach of this policy. Ultimate responsibility for ensuring compliance with the ISBE equity policy and for ensuring any breaches are acted upon rests with the ISBE President.

Communication of Policy Statement

Strategies and initiatives arising from this policy will be communicated via the website and via the ISBE Newsletter. 

Further Information

For further information/advice or for feedback regarding ISBE’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, please contact us. Privacy will be maintained for any member wishing to discuss any issue confidentially.


ISBE Secretary: Professor Bob Wong, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Australia. Email: